- October 03, 2018 by DeusVault#Bug Fixes, #Player Movement, #Combat, #CameraBug Fixes My first week of this development period was spent fixing various bus and issues that we found during our previous play test. Most of my work went into the starting sequence of the game. The... Continue reading
- September 19, 2018 by DeusVault#Math, #Shaders, #UI, #Programming, #Graphics DesignThere was nothing really exciting that happened over the course of this week. My work mainly consisted of more UI work like updating visuals, fixing bugs and altering systems Updating UI Visuals and D... Continue reading
- September 12, 2018 by DeusVault#UI, #UX, #Graphics Design, #ProgramingThe past couple of weeks or so has been solely dedicated to updating visuals, making new systems and tweaking existing ones for the UI. Player UI The first thing I worked on was overhauling the player... Continue reading
- August 01, 2018 by Li_Macc#Player Movement, #Project Management, #ProducingDevelopment Log 1 – Liam McIntosh 16/07/18 – 1/08/18 Taking on a new role Deus Vault’s team originally consisted of me (Liam McIntosh) and Tom Forwood. Our little team worked quite well, I did... Continue reading